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Rose Coonen
Your Neighborhood Personal Family Lawyer
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Tricks, Treats, and Trusts:
Mastering Estate Planning in the Spirit of Halloween
Friday, October 13, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Are you ready to embark on a unique journey into the world of estate planning, all while embracing the eerie ambiance of Halloween? Prepare for a webinar like no other, where we unravel the mysteries of securing your legacy while surrounded by the ghostly allure of the season.
Join us on Friday the 13th, October 13th, at 12:00 PM for this spooky webinar! Here's what you'll learn:
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Tricks, Treats, and Trusts:
Mastering Estate Planning in the Spirit of Halloween
Friday, October 13, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Are you ready to embark on a unique journey into the world of estate planning, all while embracing the eerie ambiance of Halloween? Prepare for a webinar like no other, where we unravel the mysteries of securing your legacy while surrounded by the ghostly allure of the season.
Join us on Friday the 13th, October 13th, at 12:00 PM for this spooky webinar! Here's what you'll learn:
Complete The form below to secure your spot
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Got questions about estate planning for your family?
Disclaimer - This presentation is entirely free. We encourage you to stay until the end to hear about the solutions we offer to protect your loved ones if and when something should happen to you.
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