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Rose Coonen

Your Neighborhood Personal Family Lawyer
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Estate Planning for Business Owners
Wednesday, December 14, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Join Attorney Rose A. Coonen for this free webinar for business owners!

We will cover:

  • The best practices to protect your business in the event of your incapacity or death. 
  • The best way to title assets to ensure that your family doesn't get stuck in court if you become incapacitated, or when you die.
  • How to ensure that the assets you leave to your children and loved ones are protected from creditors, divorce and even bankruptcy.
  • Why preparing for your possible incapacity is the best give you can gift your family.
  • How to pass more than just your assets, and leave a true legacy.
  • That facing the reality of your death (and planning for it) is the path to creating a life worth living. 
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Estate Planning for Business Owners
Wednesday, December 14, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Join Attorney Rose A. Coonen for this free webinar for business owners!

We will cover:

  • The best practices to protect your business in the event of your incapacity or death. 
  • The best way to title assets to ensure that your family doesn't get stuck in court if you become incapacitated, or when you die.
  • How to ensure that the assets you leave to your children and loved ones are protected from creditors, divorce and even bankruptcy.
  • Why preparing for your possible incapacity is the best give you can gift your family.
  • How to pass more than just your assets, and leave a true legacy.
  • That facing the reality of your death (and planning for it) is the path to creating a life worth living. 
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Got questions about estate planning for your family?

Disclaimer - This presentation is entirely free. We encourage you to stay until the end to hear about the solutions we offer to protect your loved ones if and when something should happen to you.

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